AMD vs Intel: Which CPU Brand Is Better in 2023?

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AMD vs Intel

The processor is the brain of any computer. And in the CPU world, AMD and Intel are the two heavyweight champions battling it out. As a tech geek, I get asked a lot – which CPU brand is better right now, AMD or Intel? It’s not an easy question to answer, so let’s take a deep dive into the epic AMD vs Intel matchup in 2023!

AMD vs Intel: The History

First, a quick history lesson. Intel has dominated the CPU market since forever ago. AMD was always the second fiddle. Intel CPUs powered most consumer desktops and laptops. But AMD has made huge comebacks before, like when they introduced the Athlon 64 back in the early 2000s.

Lately, AMD has been kicking butt again with their new Ryzen CPUs using advanced 7nm manufacturing. Intel’s still relied on older 14nm production. In many ways, the roles have reversed – AMD is the plucky underdog taking the fight to the aging champ Intel. Exciting times for sure!

Performance: AMD’s Core Count Advantage

When it comes to sheer performance, AMD has started beating Intel in many areas. AMD’s current Ryzen 5000 chips offer up to 16 cores and 32 threads in the flagship 5950X. Even mid-range Ryzen chips rock 8 cores and 16 threads. More cores mean snappier performance when multitasking and handling intensive workloads like video editing.

Intel is stuck back on 8 cores max for their mainstream desktop CPUs. And AMD matches or beats Intel clock speeds too. No doubt about it, AMD takes the performance crown when you look at benchmarks and core counts. Intel still wins in some gaming scenarios, but AMD has the overall more powerful CPUs.

Innovation: AMD’s Cutting-Edge and Features

Another area AMD is smoking Intel in is innovation and new features. AMD launched cutting-edge 7nm processors while Intel was still on aging 14nm. Plus AMD CPUs come with cool bonuses like PCIe 4.0, unlocked overclocking on every chip, and sick stock coolers.

Intel’s been pretty stagnant on the innovation front. Releasing excuses like disabling hyperthreading to segment their product stacks. Lame moves! AMD is pushing boundaries with next-gen tech like DDR5 and 3D V-cache coming soon. Definitely give AMD the innovation trophy here.

Price and Value: AMD More Bang for Your Buck

When it comes to price and value, AMD is the clear budget champion. Dollar for dollar, AMD offers better performing chips at every price point compared to Intel. You can get one of AMD’s best 8-core, 16-thread Ryzen 7 chips for under $300. A comparable 8-core Intel CPU costs over $100 more!

Across the board, AMD offers better multithreaded performance per dollar. Intel does have a slight gaming advantage in some cases, but AMD is competitive enough there while stomping for productivity apps. If budget matters, AMD all the way.

Platform and Upgradeability: AMD Wins Again

Another benefit to going with AMD is their AM4 platform has been very future-proof with long-term socket and chipset compatibility for upgrading. Many AMD AM4 motherboards support multiple generations of Ryzen chips via simple BIOS updates.

Meanwhile, Intel changes sockets and chipsets every couple of generations, forcing costly motherboard upgrades. I’ve seen many AMD users drop new Ryzen 5000 chips into older 300 and 400-series AMD boards no problem. Much more customer-friendly.

Overclocking: AMD More Headroom

If you’re into overclocking like me, AMD’s Ryzen chips give you way more headroom thanks to their unlocked multipliers. I’ve pushed many Ryzen chips over 4.5 GHz all-core on air cooling. Intel segments their K-SKU chips for overclocking, with lesser headroom.

And AMD includes decent stock coolers, so you can overclock affordably. Intel’s stock coolers are garbage you wouldn’t want to overclock with. Also important – every Ryzen CPU is overclockable out of the box. With Intel, overclocking capability varies by model.

AMD vs Intel

Power Efficiency: A Close Call

For power efficiency, AMD and Intel are fairly close nowadays. Those 7nm AMD chips are pretty darn power efficient. Intel still wins at the very low end with their integrated graphics chips sipping just 15 watts in laptops. But for 65W and 105W CPUs, AMD gives Intel a run for its money on efficiency.

I’d still give Intel a slight nod here for low-power mobile chips. But AMD isn’t far behind there while offering way more cores and performance as you scale up. For pure efficiency, Intel by a nose but AMD brings way more performance per watt overall.

Conclusion: AMD in the Lead

Well, that covers the major factors in AMD vs Intel today. Looking at performance, innovation, price, overclocking, and more – I’d say AMD is rocking Intel right now in 2023. Intel still offers a few niche advantages, but AMD has taken a clear overall lead.

If I were building a new high-end desktop, I’d go with AMD Ryzen 7 or 9 hands down. For budget desktops, AMD offers stellar value. Laptops are closer, but AMD Ryzen 4000 and 5000 chips win plenty of head-to-head matchups there too. No matter how you slice it, AMD is kicking butt and taking names. Long live the AMD underdog comeback story!

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